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Submitted by: Maryanne Smith
Narrative writing and narrative papers are unique in one sense-the writing and the narrative papers are done from the definitive point of view of the author of the work. Thus, narrative papers are like some kind of story telling, because the narration heavily relies on the personal experiences that feature in the author s mind. Another distinct feature within narrative papers is that they can incorporate approaches from other types of essays papers such as expository essays, descriptive essays, illustration essays and many more. All these features are allowed for incorporation as one tries to explain him/herself or rather the personal views lodged in his or her mind. A narrative paper must feature an event because there is no way a person can narrate about another person. This single important factor determines how the whole essay is to go. The fact that the readership to your narrative paper never had access to your adventures of narration you as an author have to create a vivid and clear mental picture about all your ordeals. Thus sequencing becomes an essential aspect in writing of narrative papers.
Narrative papers should have a clear sequence of events through which the readership can be able to flow along with you in time. For example if your narrative paper is about an event that began on Monday and went through to Friday the narration within the narration paper has to flow sequentially i.e. from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday through to Friday. An explanation that jumbles up events of days in a non-sequential manner is unlikely to earn you a good score at all. The importance of sequencing in narrative papers is to allow your readers to flow alongside your narration as they create their own mental picture about your story, failure to do so may leave them confused and they may be unable to grasp what you try to pass across. This is a great undoing the writing of narrative papers, because lack of a proper flow makes your readers lose interest in the story, and as such they may stop reading it. This can prove to be disastrous in the evaluation phase, because if the evaluator does not finish reading your work, no matter how well written it was towards the end there may be no better score for you. Additionally, a narrative paper should have a lot of descriptive work, illustrations as well as explanations and vivid creation of mental pictures.
Remember, a narrative paper tells about experiences that only you know about, and thus they have to be made clear through your wording for the readers to have a visualized experience of the happenings of places being mentioned. Narrative papers should thus make good use of examples, figurative language, similes and foremost make a rich use of adjectives in making the explanations within a narrative paper. Narrative papers are common in lower grades of learning and high school and they are less likely to be found in higher institutions of learning. Narrative papers take on the usual essay format that is applicable in the writing of most academic papers. This format includes the introduction, the body and the conclusion. The introduction simply states what is to be narrated and the body offers the full narration while the conclusion gives a conclusive statement about the narrative paper.
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