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By Max Moseley
Apple cider vinegar is inexpensive, readily available and comes with a host of health and beauty benefits. The list of benefits is so extensive in fact, that entire books have been written about the many uses of apple cider vinegar.
It is important to note that there is a very distinct difference between the clear vinegar you find in your grocery store and raw, unfiltered and un-distilled apple cider vinegar. Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar will be cloudy or murky and have filaments floating in it which is known as “the mother” which means that the vinegar still contains vitamins, enzymes and nutrients.
Some of the many nutrients that apple cider vinegar contains are calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains pectin which reduces cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and eases constipation. Potassium improves hair, teeth and nails, prevents cramps and helps detox the body.
The antioxidants in apple cider vinegar also provide a host of anti aging and disease fighting benefits. The malic acid helps remove uric acid from the body which alleviates joint pain and arthritis. The manganese, magnesium, silicon and calcium helps to maintain bone mass and prevent osteoporosis.
Users of apple cider vinegar report that it has reduced or eliminated their allergies, skin conditions and acne, flu, candida, acid reflux, arthritis, gout and more. Other people swear that their skin and hair has never looked better since they started drinking apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar also helps to facilitate weight loss because it helps break down fat, controls blood sugar levels, increases energy levels and helps stabilize appetite.
Apple cider vinegar is safe for pregnancy, can help reduce acid reflux, morning sickness, varicose veins and leg cramps. It is also an excellent way to obtain additional food based vitamins and minerals for proper fetal development. Apple cider vinegar is also believed to assist the body’s blood clotting ability so taking a vinegar cocktail every day during pregnancy may help to prevent hemorrhage during childbirth.
Due to the fact that apple cider vinegar has anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral properties, taking a vinegar cocktail daily may help you from catching colds or flus that are passed around by improving your immune system and you may also be able to reduce the severity of the illness by bumping up your daily apple cider vinegar dose after the onset of symptoms.
There are many ways to take apple cider vinegar. The standard cocktail is simply one to two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar with one to two tablespoons of raw honey in a glass of water up to three times daily. Some people also use apple cider vinegar to rinse their hair, wash their face, add it to their bath or diluted in enemas or douches. The easiest way to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your routine is to mix it with oil in lieu of store bought salad dressings.
If you are looking for a safe, natural, inexpensive way to a more youthful body, easier weight loss, improved immune system and healthier blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels along with improved detoxification, energy and digestion and healthy skin, hair and joints then why not give a daily ACV cocktail a try?
About the Author: Max Moseley writes about
Natural and Alternative Health
for A Much Better Way. Visit www.amuchbetterway.com to learn more about Apple Cider Vinegar and other
Natural Remedies
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