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NOW, SMART CITIES WILL BECOME REALITY by harish amilineniAre smart cities already a reality?Smart cities have been in existence for some years now, that is clear, but now a strong new force breaks out and, in my opinion, a great driver, the citizen, who reacts to these theoretically smart initiatives that have been implemented in his region but of which he has not often experienced any value in his day to day life. This new digital citizen now requires new public services and higher quality and relate to public administrationsin the same way as it already does with some private entities, such as banking, energy or telecos. And this implies new ways of acting for their public bodies, they must think beyond providing 100% electronic administration, such as favoring better access to the data they manage, providing greater transparency and participation in the management of budgets, or involving this new citizen in the co-creation of the public services themselves.WHAT DOES THE ADMINISTRATION PROPOSE TO RESPOND TO THIS CITIZENS DEMAND?The takeoff of smart cities in our territories is closer than ever thanks to the confluence of three major drivers. First and foremost, the necessary economic stimulus now comes from Europe, which, through ERDF funds, helps to co-finance Smart initiatives in two broad areas: the National Smart Cities Plan defined by SESIAD and Red.es and the Strategies for Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (DUSI Strategies), of which more than 100 of our cities will benefit to address different lines of action.Secondly, the regulatory driver through laws such as the 39 and 40/2015, as the final driver of the digitization of municipalities (and other public entities), to achieve once and for all a true relationship electronic and paperless, of the administrations with citizens and companies as well as between themselves.And lastly, the great efforts of the last years in standardization and standardization focused on favoring interoperability between services and the scalability of solutions and platforms, such as those carried out by AENOR and its CTN178 standardization committee, which has given as a result a set of rules for all industry and customers to reach a consensus of what is meant by smart city platform and solve the problems of interconnection with devices in and between different territories.HOW HAVE YOU THOUGHT TO COVER THE DEMANDS OF THE CITIZEN?Thanks to our platform today we can think of offering something more than to automate the access to the parking, to save in the invoice of the light of our cities. Today, for example, we can use the data of this parking lot to better manage traffic in our city, generate alerts on a massive influx of citizen security services or emergencies, notify the public and redirect to another parking lot or use them even to know how they are deploying tourism in our territory, and optimize with it the public (or private) services to be provided in it.Notwithstanding the above, we have spent many years covering the demand of our cities with vertical solutions in tourism, security and emergencies or transport, to name a few, which are still necessary of course and in which we continue to innovate every day.What sectoral example can you mention?We were pioneers in the transformation of smart tourist destinations , implementing for a regional government a solution capable of managing the integral cycle of a tourist: conception of own trip, planning, enjoyment and then sharing of experience. Orientated to offer personalized recommendations in time of configuration and enjoyment of the trip, based on mobile technologies and augmented reality, with attention to the tourist onoff and the ability to analyze real tourist flows by the managing body of the territory We must go a step further and not forget the citizen to favor their participationWe have also carried out the integral management of the emergencies of a city , coordinating firefighters, police and civil protection for coordinated action against catastrophes, for example in Brazilian cities. Or environmental sustainability projects oriented to the integral management of the water cycle of a major municipal water company or to improve mobility.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com