Everyone has heard of bamboo. However, many people think that bamboo is valuable only in China or someplace in Asia. However, this plant material is becoming more prevalent in the U.S. and other parts of the Western world. Westerners are always looking for exotic materials that are soft, natural and eco-friendly. Bamboo viscose is an ideal fabric to use for your bath towel sets. When you want comfort and durability, you want to consider bamboo bath towels.
Why Use Bamboo for Towels?
When you think of bamboo bath towels, you think of the tree and its rough bark. Some people think of the bamboo sticks that people use to create huts. However, there is a fabric known as bamboo viscose that is little known to cotton users in the U.S. It is just as soft as your standard cotton sets sold in the store. You may find some bamboo towels that are silky and even softer than regular cotton.
How Can Bamboo Be So Superior Yet Obscure?
Many people do not believe that stores could promote rough cotton towels over silky smooth bamboo viscose towels. The fact is that manufacturers are in the business of making money. Since they are so concerned about business, they do not care that much about fulfilling the personal needs of their customers. They are not concerned about giving you the softest and smoothest product for your bathroom.
Cotton is easier and cheaper to produce, and those are qualities that the corporations love. Bamboo viscose is harder to come by, so it is more expensive to produce. Those are the reasons why many consumers have never heard of viscose.
Why Does Bamboo Make a Superior Material?
Bamboo makes a superior material because it is friendly to the environment. Little to no pesticides and chemicals are used to grow the plant. As it grows, it remains pure and natural. When someone comes to turn the plant into a towel, you worry little about damaging the environment. As long as bamboo wood is grown and processed correctly, it has a positive impact on the environment.
Bamboo is a readily available plant that grows very rapidly. If tree cutting companies use these plants, they do not worry about running out of bamboo like they would worry about running out of oak or pine trees.
Bamboo viscose is proof that the less popular products can be the most efficient ones. Regardless of cost and popularity, you want towels that are very soft, absorbent and long lasting. Many consumers find an expensive cost worth it if they are investing in a superior product. Nevertheless, there are plenty of affordable bamboo towels available online. Look to find those bamboo towels that fit well in your bathroom.