byAlma Abell
Cured epoxy resins are combined and used for many products, including both commercial and residential floor coatings. The curing process, reached through several different chemical processes, creates a hard material ideal for floor coating applications in a variety of settings and can add beauty and durability to your living environment, inside and out.
Types of Epoxy Floor Coatings
There are three types of epoxy. The first, solid epoxy floor coating cure is fast but can be hard to work with. In most cases, using professionals who know how to handle the material is best practice. Solvent-based epoxy has a lot of aesthetic value and strong, fast adhesive properties, but as you might expect, there is an inherent danger associated with chemicals. Solvent-based coatings with high volatile organic compounds (VOC) ratings are banned in some states. Use of these coatings indoors is not acceptable due to the fume damage the fumes can cause. Water-based epoxy floor coatings cure much slower but eliminate the fumes.
Choosing the Best Epoxy Floor Coating Solution for You
There are no hard and fast rules about the type of epoxy floor coating you use. Some manufacturers and suppliers only offer solid epoxy, which may be best suited to professional applications. Water-based floor coatings are quite easy to use as well and particularly suited to residential application and the do-it-yourself folks. One of the drawbacks here is that the carrier agent incorporated in the coating eventually evaporates and you will have a thinner layer of protection than you had initially expected. The same holds true for solvent-based applications in addition to the previously mentioned health risks. The best way to select the appropriate epoxy for you is to research the type and brands or consult a professional floor coating company who can assist you.
Care and Maintenance
Like anything, proper care and maintenance of your floors is essential to keeping them in their best shape. Properly applied epoxy coating really require very little in the way of maintenance. Epoxy coatings are long lasting and durable, resistant to wear and tear, and easy to clean. Occasional sweeping and mopping is the most you will need to do as far as keeping it clean. Kickstands, floor jacks, and other heavy objects could cause damage, so use padding when possible to protect against this type of damage. Avoid using acid-based chemicals or soap because they can damage the epoxy coating. Water is best, or a natural soap, and unless you have something to clean up, sweeping is best. With proper care, you can extend the life of your epoxy coating for many years. Epoxy coatings are versatile, durable, and make an excellent waterproofing floor option for your garage, patio, or other areas where water damage might occur. It is the right choice for a variety of settings.
For the best in epoxy floors, call Dex-O-Tex and take advantage of their 22 years’ experience in the business.