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Circumcised Men Experiencing Loss of Penis Sensitivity
John Dugan
Over the last few decades, circumcision has fallen somewhat out of favor with medical professionals, particularly in the United States. While removal of the foreskin is a common procedure that is performed both for religious and hygienic or cosmetic reasons, the medical community has argued that circumcision has no real medical benefits. In addition, circumcision can lead to numerous side effects, particularly loss of penile sensitivity.
However, according to a report by Maggie Fox of NBC News, AIDS advocates and health organizations worldwide have been once again advocating circumcision. Recent studies have shown that circumcision can decrease the risk of developing AIDS in heterosexual men by a significant 60%. As a result, increasing numbers of adult males are considering circumcision, but the risk of loss of penis sensation is a major concern. Fortunately, there are options for men who are thinking about circumcision. Treating the glans with penis-specific vitamins and minerals that support skin and nerve health can be highly effective in preventing penis sensitivity loss in circumcised men.
Why does circumcision lead to diminished penis sensation?
When the glans of the penis is exposed, it is subject to constant chafing, as it rubs against clothing and other materials. Over time, the layers of dermal tissue covering the head of the penis toughen in reaction to this friction, leading to decreased penile sensitivity. For this reason, men who are circumcised are often less sensitive in this area than men who have an intact foreskin. As a result, they are often less responsive to sexual stimulation. This issue is a leading factor in many men s decisions against circumcision, and in many cases, men who were circumcised at birth opt to have their foreskin restored.
How do vitamins and other nutrients help to prevent loss of penis sensitivity?
Although replacing the foreskin may help to restore penis sensation, this procedure does not always produce the desired results. On the other hand, treatment of the penis skin with the following nutrients may actually help to prevent loss of sensation from occurring, even after circumcision:
Vitamin A Promotes healing, protects against the formation of scar tissue, and lends skin a soft, supple and smooth texture.
Vitamin B5 Promotes healing and overall health of the skin cells.
Vitamin C Protects the skin against environmental damage through its antioxidant properties, as well as promoting optimum circulation and maintaining the tissue that gives skin its natural elasticity.
Acetyl-L-carnitine Helps to maintain nervous tissue and repair damaged nerve cells.
Alpha lipoic acid Helps to promote the healthy blood flow needed to oxygenate the skin and nerve cells and maintain penis feeling.
Shea butter A highly effective moisturizer that softens the skin, boosts its natural lubricating properties and protects against chafing and other skin damage that can lead to loss of penis sensation.
Vitamin E Provides a natural moisture barrier that prevents dehydration of the skin a major factor in the thickening of dermal tissue that leads to reduced penis sensation.
Can skin nutrients restore penis sensation?
For men who have already experienced lost penis sensation, whether due to circumcision in infancy or other causes, these nutrients may also be effective for rejuvenating the skin of the penis and promoting increased penis sensation.
Effective vitamin formulas for promoting penis sensitivity
Not all vitamin skin care products are alike; most of the skin cr mes and lotions sold in retail stores are designed for women and do not take men s penis health into account. For the most effective way to support penis sensitivity, a specially designed penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing vitamins, minerals and all-natural moisturizers is suggested to ensure that these nutrients are absorbed directly into the penis skin.
For additional information on most common
penis health
issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:
John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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Circumcised Men Experiencing Loss of Penis Sensitivity