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Submitted by: Chuck Magee
If you own land for sale in Alabama and the land has not been kept very well over the last few years, I have some suggestions on how you can improve your property. Some of the suggestions you probably have never heard of.
Your Alabama land that you are considering selling has just been unkept for the last few years. Here is some work you can do to improve the dollar value of the property. With a house, or not, the worst thing you can do to the land you want to sale in Alabama is the let it grow up. Any length of time you let it grow up will cost you in the long run.
Depending on the land you have for sale in Alabama there are many things you can do to get it ready to get top dollar on the sale. Pasture land that you are considering selling should be bush hogged at the least. Is there a certain way to bush hog the property? Yes, consider this. Always bush hog lengthways because this makes the pasture appear a lot larger. Try it and see for yourself. The land will appear bigger than it really is. Seriously, if you have a land tract with fifty or sixty acres run your bush hog lengthwise and not across it and when your client looks at it they will think it is more acreage than that.
Now if you happen to have old cutover land for sale in Alabama, things will go a little differently. Most any land buyer that is looking at a tract of land is going to want to be able to see his property lines. So if the tract of land is wooded or cutover you might be looking at some bulldozer work to get top dollar for your land for sale in Alabama. I can suggest something else you could do to enhance your land. As you bulldoze the property lines be sure the bulldozer pushes the debris into the woods. It sure will look better. Of course the best thing would be to have a track hoe dig pits and burn most of the debris and then bury what is left. Now that would look great. But it will also cost you more. So at least push it towards the woods and we call this tuck and hide. And while you are at it, go ahead and have the bulldozer bulldoze two blade widths instead of just one. Just one width kind of gives the buyer tunnel vision and your Alabama land for sale will feel smaller than it actually is. By doing this you will probably cut down on the marketing expense, and I am sure you want to save money where you can and that you would have to fork out if your tract looks junky.
Time is money is certainly the case with a large tract of land. By using just these tidbits of advice when trying to sale your land in Alabama will help save you marketing time.
About the Author: Chuck Magee has been in the real estate business for two decades and has launched land for sale websites like
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